A little about me…

Nina Carrick is my pen name. I decided to use one because I want this blog to be unapologetically authentic and honest. I believe that talking about personal things, people and situations without having to alter one’s narrative is something that a pen name can offer. Years ago, I read somewhere that one can only be truly free after their parents are dead (apologies to the author, I do not have a name for quotation). At the time of writing this, thankfully, my parents are alive and well and I hope they continue to be for a very long time!

Meantime, I don’t want to censor myself for fear of upsetting or hurting anyone. The irony of using a pen name in order to be sincere is not lost in me. But, personally, I’m after the kind of freedom that anonymity cushions you in. I hope you understand. Apart from my own name, all events, places and persons mentioned are true…

My background is in social sciences and social research. I have worked for a number of charities in the third sector focusing on criminal and community justice, work, family and community mediation and women's support services. I have worked as a facilitator in addiction recovery groups and in projects tackling youth homelessness due to intergenerational conflict and violence at home.

My experience in working with people has been long and rich, both, in and outside the UK. Through my work, my connection with women of all ages, nationalities, ethnicities and cultural backgrounds has been an absolute privilege and has brought me great joy but also sadness. Sadness to see so many girls, young women as well as older ones struggle, trapped in structural systems which render them vulnerable and invisible.

I am a mother of two young women and as such I feel a strong need to share, communicate and connect with other women. If through your browsing you come across me, I welcome you to join me.

N xx